
Villach : public transportation

The city of Villach would like to motivate many more citizens to leave their cars at home and prefer environmentally friendly mobility. Here you will find all the information about the wide range of public transport in Villach, such as the new Villach bus service or the city railway.

Villach City Bus

New Frequencies & new Routes. On this page you will find all information about the Villach bus service.

To the routesVillach City Bus
micro BUS:SI in Villach

micro BUS:SI in Villach

More connections, more flexibility, more possibilities. The new micro-BUS:SI goes everywhere. The micro-BUS:SI is a flexible addition to the exsting Villach city bus service, the BUS:SI. The micro-BUS:SI operates as an on-demand service to districts that previously had no connection to the public bus network (such as Serai or Gritschach), and on the other hand, it runs on new routes and strengthens existing bus lines.

StadtBAHN Villach

With our StadtBahn, all destinations in and around Villach are perfectly connected via railway. Six stops in modern design – Main Station track 8 (Villach-Lind), Westbahnhof, Landskron, St. Ruprecht, Seebach and Warmbad – are served by the StadtBahn conveniently in half-hourly or hourly intervals. 

Zur UmfrageStadtBAHN Villach

Fragen, Auskünfte, Anregungen und Beschwerden zum Busverkehr in Villach:

Hans-Gasser-Platz 9, 9500 Villach Opening hours Customer Service Office:
MO-FR: 7.30-16:30h, TUES: until 18h

Fragen zur Mobilität: