:vifi (villacher info finder) is the AI-supported search from the city of Villach
:vifi is Villach's new information finder, which now uses artificial intelligence to support searches in the city's internet portal and helps with all imaginable Villach questions - around the clock and in all languages.
What can :vifi
:vifi answers questions about the city of Villach and the services it offers. :vifi provides clearly summarized answers that he compiles from all the information he finds on villach.at. The artificially intelligent tool can solve very specific questions, but can also be creative - depending on the question chosen. The questions asked can also be asked colloquially, casually and in a very personal way - and in any language.
:vifi is not a chatbot
This means: Chatting, i.e. a certain conversation with the technical system, is not possible. :vifi still has a lot to learn. Sometimes he provides surprising answers and still makes mistakes. The city of Villach requests forbearance if :vifi does not provide a satisfactory answer.
:vifi is artificial intelligence from Austria. It was developed by the company
goodguys gmbh.
Questions, problems or suggestions about :vifi?
If you have any questions when using :vifi or have suggestions for improvement, please send them to the city of Villach:
Public Relations Department | E oeffentlichkeitsarbeit@villach.at
data protection
No personal information is required from you to use the search. You remain anonymous. Please do not enter any personal information (e.g. name, email, phone number) in the chat window. All information on the subject of data protection can be found at