We offer you comprehensive consulting services in the orderly planning and processing of your planned event by appointment. In principle, you can choose between events
requiring authorisation or
free events.
Free events
may only be held in authorised or suitable venues with authorised or suitable event facilities if a compromising of the requirements specified in Section 3 (1) of the
Carinthian Events Act for the holding of events appears unlikely in light of past experience. Furthermore, they may only take place within the following periods of time:
in venues that exist in the form of closed premises, between 06:00 and 02:00,
in other venues between 06:00 and 24:00.
Other events are also subject to authorisation.
Dates and deadlines
If you are planning a public event, please apply for the necessary permits in good time.
The waiting period for a venue permit is at least six weeks, please submit your application for an event permit at least two weeks before the planned event.
Business / Events Department
Rathausplatz 1, 9500 Villach
T 04242 205 2200
F 04242 205 2299
E gewerbe@villach.at
Service hours:
Monday to Thursday 8:00–12:00 and 13:00–16:00
Friday 08:00–12:00
Please call to arrange an appointment in order to avoid waiting times. |
Our services
City service – events on public property
Events that are not to take place in authorised venues but on public property must be applied for separately. Please use our city service form for this purpose. The contact is the Department for Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection,
T 04242 204 2400, E